The Call List for Drivers
All transport companies will at some time need to speak to certain staff about specific incidents, driver behaviour or to follow up on customer feedback. In a busy depot environment sometimes the simplest of processes is all that is required to help managers request a meeting with specific staff. The Call List & Interview function allows transport managers to add staff to a list when they have been involved in an incident, accident or need to be interviewed for other operational reasons.
Generating the Call List
Garage or Depot Managers simply add staff to the Call List. This can be acheived through the specific call list function or through various other modules such as Incident Management or Customer Complaints. At the start of each shift a Call List is generated, printed and placed on the depot noticeboard. Tracerit also allows transport companies to send Call List requests to its staff via email or SMS if preferred.
Managing the Call List
When a member of staff on the Call List arrives, the Duty Manager can simply look up the shift's call list through the easy-to-use web pages and drill down into the specific reasons the staff member has been called in. Once the discussion has been completed and any follow up actions agreed, the information is added as notes to the system ensuring that all of the data is retained within the centralised repository of information.
Interviews and Disciplinary
Notes and outcomes of any interviews with staff are saved along with any disciplinary actions and awards. When viewing any member of staff, the system automatically shows managers any related incidents, training identified and disciplinary awards, allowing a quick view of the driver's records.
Tracerit can also integrate with third party HR systems to automatically update personnel records, ensuring that the HR department is kept up to date with all disciplinary procedures and outcomes.
If you would like to discuss how the Driver Management module can help your transport business, please get in touch through our contact page or call +44 (0)20 7280 4390.